Pioneers and Milestones - History of protection for occupants and other road users at Mercedes-Benz
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Harry Niemann
Pioneers and Milestones - History of protection for occupants and other road users at Mercedes-Benz

ISBN: 978-3-613-04237-7
Titel-Nr.: 04237
Einband: gebunden
Seitenzahl: 251
Abbildungen: 51 s/w Bilder & 161 Farbbilder & 63 Zeichnungen
Format: 210mm x 297mm
Erschienen: 07/2019
Preis: 39.90 €
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The comprehensive demands on vehicle safety are reflected in the Mercedes-Benz safety concept, which combines various aspects of active and passive safety into a holistic system. The brand's striving for vehicle safety can be traced back to the early years of the automobile era. Since the mid-2000s, research has been largely focused on passive safety. Today, Mercedes is setting standards with forward-looking concepts for integrated safety. The goal is »accident-free driving«, still a dream of the future, but every new development is a step forward.


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